Author Archives: Mary Mullins
Author Donates Research Materials
Dot Moore, Author of No Remorse: The Rise and Fall of John Wallace spoke to a crowd of over 30 people on July 10, 2015 at the history center. She thought people in the audience, mostly from Pine Mountain, might have known John Wallace better than she, so she told what she knew of his … Continue reading
History of the Chipley Woman’s Club
Sue Trott presented the history of the Chipley Woman’s Club to an audience gathered at the Pine Mountain City Hall on Sunday April 26, 2015. The presentation was sponsored by the Chipley Historical Center in Pine Mountain. The Chipley Woman’s Club began 102 years ago. Many of the original founders are ancestors of current members. … Continue reading
Bay Window Caboose
The crew monitoring the train sits in the middle of the caboose in a section of wall that projects from the side of the caboose to resemble bay windows. This afforded a better view of the side of the train. The bay window type gained favor with many railroads because it eliminated the need for … Continue reading
Indians originally occupied this area
Originally this land, around Pine Mountain and in West Georgia, was inhabited by the Creek Indians. In 1825 at Indian Springs, Georgia, Chief McIntosh signed a treaty ceding the land to the U. S. Government. Other Creeks disagreed and killed McIntosh. More treaties were signed and by 1826 the Creeks had crossed the Chattahoochee River … Continue reading
The Old Jail in the Historical Center
Our volunteers have lots of interesting stories and I am sure they will share soon. The old jail cells, with the graffite on the plastered walls, get lots of comments from visitors. John Owings, Jr., lived in Pine Mountain when his dad was manager of the Dacula plant. While his dad was in the old … Continue reading
The volunteers are full of stories
I wonder if they’ll tell them here?